Pastor Carlos Recaps January 2023's Costa Rica Mission Trip

Posted February 2023

January 2023's Costa Rica Mission Trip
Written By: Pastor Carlos

Our team traveled & worked very well together.  After a very nice church worship service on Sunday we had a picnic at the park with the church family. Our team hosted sport games for the children & adults, then gave everyone at the picnic a new t-shirt donated by Rawhide Ranch in Bonsall, CA.

Each morning, we'd start with breakfast at the church and a devotional. Monday & Tuesday we went to the new property that RtH fundraised & purchased for Palabra Viva Ministries to install 2 feet cement drainage pipes across the front of the property. On Wednesday, we painted the children's ministry room and the front wall in the church worship center.  Josh fixed the spotlights on the platform and Carolee gave the cross a rustic appearance. Several of our team members reorganized their storage room using plastic tubs. We also cleaned their parking area and spread 5 yards of rocks to provide a place for their new student ministry class to meet under the trees.

Each evening, a family from the church cooked dinner for our team and either had us over at their homes or we ate at the church. Thursday, we took the team into town to mix with the locals, do a little shopping, and to enjoy lunch at a restaurant of one of the church congregants. It was Brazilian food and all of the team loved it! That evening I taught Shepherd Leadership to all the church's Life Group Leaders. Several of the team members that've been in my previous Life Groups shared testimonies of how being in a Life Group made a difference in their walk with Christ.  Deanna & Carolee led children's ministry during our class time.  Deanna conducted a puppet show for about 20 children and Carolee directed an arts & craft session for the children. 

Friday, our team had some down time by going to the beach and to a waterfall/swimming hole.  It was beautiful and relaxing for our team to spend the day with Pastor Christopher and his wife Rachel.  That evening, we had a fantastic time at their home for dinner and made s'mores around their fire pit.

Saturday was another amazing day on which God moved in everyone's life.  I taught at the church's Men's Prayer Breakfast. Each man on our team shared part of their testimony which weaved into my message. The men really enjoyed eating the breakfast burritos & hearing our testimonies. Pastor Chris said many of them commented that this was the first time they heard people share so deeply about challenges in their lives.  

That afternoon, many of the women of the church attended a Women's Conference that Lisa and the ladies on our team led. Lisa had each lady on our team share their struggles, challenges, and victories while she weaved each one into her message to the women. They ended their time together with each team member praying for the ladies in a way that related to their testimonies. It was a wonderful time of healing & encouragement.  We ended the evening with a wonderful time in town for pizza & ice cream. 

Each morning, we enjoyed breakfast & devotionals at the church... and Sunday morning wasn't any different. After our team time, we helped set up the church for a 10AM worship service. Following the church service, our team visited one of the church elder's home for a lovely lunch.  After lunch, our team was able to spend a little time shopping & resting as we packed our bags to leave the next morning.  On Monday morning, after breakfast and devos at the church, we headed out to San Jose to a hotel near the airport since our flight departed early the next morning. 

Everyone on the team loved each other and shined the light of Christ so brightly.  It was wonderful to see them unified, enjoying one another's company and loving all those they encountered.  It was also amazing to see how God brought together 11 people from 6 different churches that had so much in common in their testimonies.  

Pastor Carlos Sales
CEO & Founder, Reaching the Hungry