Anna's Story: "At 12 Years Old, an RtH Mission Trip Completely Changed My Life"

Posted March 2022

I’ve gone on trips with Reaching the Hungry over the course of four years. First, I went to Malawi and then I participated in multiple day trips to Mexico. 

The first time I went to Malawi I was 12 years old and it completely changed my life. I always say that the best gift any parent can give their child is a large world view and that’s exactly what mine did when they took me with them to Malawi. I saw things I had never seen before, made connections with the most wonderful people, and overall just fell in love with the country and the mission field. 

The Lord changed my heart on that trip and I have never been the same since. When I came back home I had a whole different perspective on lifeI went three more times after that and I miss it so much! 

I would highly recommend this or any other trip! 

— Anna N.