Daniel's Story: We Were Humbled That Day

 Posted April 2022

Mexico Orphanage Mission Trip - April 2023

We Were Humbled That Day

Written By: Daniel D.

The trip with Reaching the Hungry was eye opening. The orphanage was astonishing.  It was well run, and oozing with love.  As you walked around you could feel the intentionality of everything they do…and the children benefit from it.  As we arrived, we were blessed to spend time playing with the kids and preparing them lunch.  Their smiles & laughter echoed through the campus.  

As the day went on, we were able to bless them with a new gravel road to their chapel.  The work was easy for a big group, but would have been impossible for them alone.  In saying yes to Christ’s call, Reaching the Hungry gave the orphanage exactly what they needed that day... and we were all humbled to be a part of it.